Friday, January 27, 2012

The Episcopal Voice

On February 22, 2012 the Episcopal churches of the Lower Merrimack Valley will launch a new blog called The Episcopal Voice!  How cool is that!  So come back and visit again.  We will blog once each week with posts up every Wednesday.  Your comments will be welcome, but also moderated.  So no four letter or otherwise offensive language please.  We are excited to offer this opportunity to share our stories of God's amazing activity in the world around us and to hear your story.

The Episcopal Church strives to answer the prophet's call to love kindness, do justice, and walk humbly with God.  Come worship with us soon.

The Rev'd Jane Bearden - Trinity Haverhill
The Rev'd Susan Esco Chandler - St James Amesbury
The Rev'd Stephanie Chase Bradbury - St Paul's North Andover
The Rev'd Marya DeCarlen - St James Groveland
The Rev'd Martha Hubbard - St Paul's Newburyport
The Rev'd Ollie Jones - St Paul's Newburyport
The Rev'd Susan Russell - All Saints West Newbury

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